Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall weather and racing. (Also Energy Bits review)

Today the temp was 59 degrees when I hit the trail, first cool day since Spring. I've been home for a couple of weeks enjoying family time and ramping up the miles for some cool weather trail races.
I was going to run the "Dare to Ascend" trail marathon this weekend but it's at Lake Georgetown which is on Corps of Engineer land (who knew) and thus closed due to the Government shutdown. So next next week is Paleface Trail Run in Spicewood. I'm running the 30k, my wife Nancy the 15k and daughters Isabel and Greta the 5k. A family affair. El Sendero in Dec is 60k and maybe Bandera in Jan.
Have to see how the training while on the road goes, we'll be headed out on a west coast tour at the end of Oct. 
Also I recently inquired about a nutrition product I read about,Energy Bits, and they agreed to send me a sample for review. What I knew is that they were made of spirulina which I already use in my smoothies (even put it in hummus once) so I'm already a fan. The best thing about these to me is the portability , they come in little tablets in a tin case. Great for me as a traveling musician, don't really wanna mess with powdered spirulina when traveling. These tablets do give you energy but it's more of a slow and long deal as opposed to quick energy from a GU or cliff shot etc. I took the recommended 30 tablets and along with my usual dates along the run and felt real good on my 16 mile green belt run.
I will definitely keep these around for travel and quick nutrition supplement. I'll post nutritional info below. Energy bits also allowed me to have a raffle to send a sample to lucky winner, so if you're curious about these leave a comment below and be sure to subscribe to this blog and follow on 
Twitter @thebobbydaniel
Instagram @therealbobbyd
I'll pick a winner next Sunday.

Thanks and see you on the trail


  1. Have you tried the "recovery bits" yet? I currently use Electrosalt for my long run electrolyte needs and supposed cramp reducer.

  2. No Jerry I have not. I use vega recovery at the moment. But only for really long runs. Just whole food otherwise.

  3. ENERGYbits are awesome. I've had the pleasure of trying them before. Glad to see there is a fan out there.

  4. I really need to try Energybits! I keep hearing about them! Stopping over from Running Bloggers!
